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Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Newest Resolution

So, just recently I decided to change my major. I know it's a big decision, and not one that I should make light of, so I was careful and prayerful, and thoughtful, and many other kinds of "ful" about it. The conclusion that I came to is that I hate computers. Sure I know a lot about them, and I use them fairly heavily, but I still hate them. I have been a bit wary of Digital Media for the past year, because of my fears about the cost of such a profession. Sure, you can work for a company and they will provide you all the hardware and software that you'll ever need, but what if you wanna do stuff on your own. What if you wanna be an part-time entrepreneur? That would mean that I would have to buy all kinds of stuff, and then buy more stuff every couple years so that I don't get behind on new upgrades. This may be for some people, but not for me.

It was under the weight of this realization and a few others that I decided to be an English major with an emphasis in Creative Writing. I will finish out this semester and then start up with English classes next semester. The good thing about it is that all of my digital media courses transfer right over, so none of my time has been wasted. I would look into a minor in digital media, but they don't have one yet. To make my change of heart complete, I have decided to read all the books of classic literature, and blog about it. Should anyone like to follow my journey you can find the blog at:


So far, I have only read one book, but I will read many more so stay tuned if you care to see how things go.


Elise said...

Welcome to club! English is the best! What do you want to do with it?

Anonymous said...

I'm a junior in Creative Writing at UVU (I work with Brienne). It's AWESOME!

Reccomended English Professors:
-Steve Fullmer. Steve made me become an English major. Take his Shakespeare and Tolkien classes! Steve is such an intelligent teacher and is so funny.

-Kate McPerson - relaxed and fun. Definitely take her for Senior Seminar!

-Rob Carney. Brilliant. The guy knows everything! He mostly teaches poetry and playwriting.

-Steve Gibson. Steve teaches a variety of classes; he's not a tough professor, but you can learn a lot from him.

I recommend one of the books Gibson assigned : "The Lie That Tells a Truth: A Guide to Writing Fiction" He also teaches American Lit and is teaching a Graphic Novel class.
by John Dufresne

Another reccomended book, from Charles Vogel's ENGL 2010 class: "The Writer's Reader".

Professors to be wary of:
-Laura Hamblin - very pessimistic apostate Mormon, expects you to read novels overnight. Check out her poetry, though.

I'm making a list of all the classics I want to read once I graduate and actually have time. It's a fun venture.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh yes. One more professor - Karin Anderson. I'm not sure whether to reccomend her or not. Karin is brilliant; she teaches literary theory and creative nonfiction writing - but she is an apostate mormon and lesbian. Just make sure you have a testimony and don't let her convince you that you're gay (she made a class read "Brokeback Mountain").